Junior/Specialist Implementation Manager

Oferty pracy     Junior/Specialist Implementation Manager

Junior/Specialist Implementation Manager

Who are we?? Ritex is a company operating in the TSL industry since 1994. We employ approximately 400 employees . Our headquarters is located in Legnica. Check out our social media and website www.ritex.legnica.pl

We are looking for an employee for the position Junior/Specialist Implementation Manager.


Are you looking for an immediate job that will give you the opportunity for constant, intensive development and promotion? Apply !

We are looking for positive, creative and energetic people with unconventional thinking who, along with their experience and ideas, will bring freshness and good energy to the company.

As a Junior Implementation Manager, your role is crucial in ensuring the successful execution of projects within our organization. Below are the key responsibilities associated with this role:

1.Project Coordination: Assist in planning, coordinating resources, and ensuring project timelines are met.

3.Team Collaboration: Work with cross-functional teams to ensure alignment and collaboration throughout projects.

4.Documentation and Reporting: Maintain project documentation and provide regular progress reports to stakeholders.

5.Quality Assurance: Conduct testing and ensure implemented solutions meet quality standards.

6.Continuous Improvement: Identify opportunities for process improvements and contribute to enhancing existing methodologies.

Adherence to Policies: Ensure compliance with organizational policies and maintain confidentiality.


What we offer??

1. Career at an express pace: You won't be bored with us! We offer quick promotions and opportunities for professional development that really accelerate you. Your potential is our priority!

2. Motivating Salary: Your efforts deserve a reward. In addition to a competitive salary, we have prepared a bonus system that rewards your achievements.

3.Development support: We believe that learning is the key to success. We offer access to courses, training and opportunities to improve qualifications.

4.Friendly atmosphere: We work like one big family. Forget about rigid corporate rules. What counts for us is good energy and a common passion.

5.Medal-worthy benefits: Multisport, medical care and many other extras that will make you feel appreciated. We will take care of your comfort.

6. An inspiring work space: Our office is not just a workplace, it is a place where ideas are born more easily. A modern and friendly environment is our calling card.

7. Amazing challenges: At Ritex, we are not afraid of challenges. This is where you can bring your ideas and put them into practice.

Podanie danych osobowych w CV jest dobrowolne, lecz konieczne do przeprowadzenia procesu rekrutacyjnego. Konsekwencją niepodania danych osobowych będzie brak możliwości przeprowadzenia postępowania rekrutacyjnego. Dane osobowe przetwarzane będą na podstawie art. 6 ust. 1 pkt. a i c ogólnego rozporządzenia o ochronie danych osobowych z 27 kwietnia 2016 r. (RODO). Żądanie usunięcia danych oznacza rezygnację z dalszego udziału w procesach rekrutacji i spowoduje usunięcie Twoich danych z bazy.
Prosimy o dołączenie klauzuli: „Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie swoich danych osobowych dla potrzeb obecnego i przyszłych procesów rekrutacji, prowadzonych przez firmę Ritex.”



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Osoby kontaktowe

Magdalena Józkowicz
Specjalista ds Hr/Social Media

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